Tag Archives: green aid

Happy Festivus: the Holiday for the Rest of Us!


As you may or may not already know, here at Green Aid we have the annual tradition of celebrating the holiday of Festivus. Every year we gather around the aluminum pole to air our grievances both with each other and society at large.

Green Aid is not holding our annual Festivus party but we encourage you to use this time to celebrate with your friends and family and reflect on this last year.

This year, Green Aid celebrates the feats of strength of our friends in Washington and Colorado who legalized marijuana for recreational use in the last election. Connecticut and Massachusetts passed or voted in medical marijuana legislation bringing the total of medical marijuana states to 18. Our friends in
Missouri with Show Me Cannabis Regulation almost put full legalization on their ballot. Arkansans for Compassionate Care came within 5% of making Arkansas the first southern state with medical marijuana. It’s clear, Prohibition laws are doomed.

Here at Green Aid we have been working with a body of California’s best lawyers to take on the Child Protective Services, who have been using federal marijuana law to kidnap children for profit. We worked with Daisy Bram to publicize her battle with Butte County, who had taken her two infant children and attempted to adopt them out for profit. Her children are home and safe but the battle continues.

We also continued to publicize the plight of the Reverend Eddy Lepp, who is serving ten years in federal prison for cultivating marijuana for patients suffering from a variety of ailments. For those who could not afford to pay, he gave it away. He is now incarcerated at FCI La Tuna near El Paso, Texas with six years left to serve on his sentence.

Please help us continue to fight these battles by making a tax-deductible donation or by sharing this letter or information about our cases via social media and/or your emailing lists.

Most importantly, get your priorities straight and Eat Dessert First!

Happy Festivus and a happy New Year!

Green Aid: The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund

The Last Supper for Ed Rosenthal

Filed under Fundraisers
Dec 23, 2012

Green Aid
484 Lake Park Ave #172
Oakland, CA 94610
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