Tag Archives: green aid



by Ed Rosenthal, Executive Director

Green Aid’s Media Director, Angela, who also doubles as our Special Investigator and Service Coordinator, visited Eddy Lepp almost two years ago when he was incarcerated at FCI Lompoc, in Southern California. She wrote about it in SKUNK Magazine and was promptly informed that she would no longer be allowed to visit, no reason given. Eddy’s wife, Linda, lives 7 hours away. The trip is expensive to make.

A few months ago the keepers in Lompoc decided that they didn’t want him around anymore so they sent him to a federal prison outside of El Paso, Texas, where the conditions might be considered rustic but I’d call them crude. However, this time when Angela sent in her application to visit, they approved. Realistically, the cost of the visit is going to be about $1,500. In relationship to the number of people whom he helped, aided, guided or cared for– that isn’t a lot of money. If every person who he had a direct effect upon gave $1, there would be a giant surplus. Remember, he had a farm and he was giving medicine away to people who needed it.

Angela said “well, let’s just ask your Facebook family—they are almost 11,000 strong and many of them know what it is like to be in prison and have only one visitor a year, if they are lucky. Others know Eddy and this is sure to reach people who are concerned about him. We should have no problem raising this money.”

We have asked for donations before from people who say that they are really concerned and would like to alleviate pain and change the law. The amount that we have raised from these pleas is laughable. There are always a few who understand the importance of helping but for the most part the response is a vast reply of silence.

Here is what Eddy said about getting a visit from Angela:

“As to why I would like you to come and see me in La Tuna—they cancelled my entire visiting list because they said we were too close to the border (Mexico) and that I would have to redo my entire list. So far, you [Angela] are the only one to be approved and therefore the only one who can and will come visit. It would be very very nice if somehow you could get the funds to do so. I hope and pray somehow someone will come through and help you come visit me. Sadly, I do understand how hard things are out there right now and can only hope that the world changes for the better for all of us.

As always, much love and respect.


-Eddy Lepp

Angela is scheduled to leave November 1 and Green Aid is reallocating funds from the California Child Protection Services Reform Project for the trip. Our experience has been that less than 1% of the people who actually read this and sympathize with it are hardly going to take any action at all. The overwhelming majority of them will say “the next person will do it, they will raise all the money, its too much bother, I cant afford it,” and this stasis will continue, nothing will change.

When I am at shows or fairs, lots of people come up to me and tell me how grateful they are that I have spent time on marijuana activism. While I appreciate the kind thoughts, I am looking for action. It is impossible to forget that Ten years ago I was staring down a 20-year prison sentence myself. I am looking for dedication and I am looking for people who are willing to proactively change the laws and to support the people who have been challenging them. SO PROVE ME WRONG. From experience, I don’t actually expect much from this but Angela is a lot more optimistic— prove her right.

Here is how you can help with our campaigns:

  1. SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS, via Twitter and Facebook. Use lots of #hashtags (#mmot #freeeddylepp #occupy)
  2. Make a contribution to Green Aid. 
  3. Write a letter to Eddy. 
  4. Tell your friends to write a letter to Eddy.

Green Aid is not like most other marijuana reform organizations. We have no formal offices, we have no paid staff, we work with top-notch attorneys on pro-bono or very low-fee schedules. We don’t have sugar daddies who write checks for us on an annual basis. We are in a constant test to accomplish a lot with very little, but we have an exemplary track record. 

We are not a membership organization, if you make a contribution you wont get a t-shirt, you won’t get the mug, you won’t get quarterly letters begging you for more money—you are just going to get the highest return on investment in marijuana activism.

Here are some of the top lawyers we have worked with recently:

Bruce Margolin, Alison Margolin, Michael Levinsohn, Joe Rogoway and others.

We are a no-nonsense organization and we are working on some of the most important issues facing medical marijuana users. You know we need your help and we hope that you are mature enough to actually take action.

Filed under Fundraisers
Oct 13, 2012

Green Aid
484 Lake Park Ave #172
Oakland, CA 94610
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