Tag Archives: jane klein

Party at Ed Rosenthal’s! The Wonder’s of Cannabis SUMMER PARTY Benefit


Come join Ed Rosenthal and his wife Jane Klein for an afternoon and evening of drinks and music.The event will be casual, at a private residence and will be raising money for:

JOSE GUTIERREZ – A longtime medical marijuana activist in Northern California, Jose was caught in a scuffle between federal agents and protestors in front of Coffee Shop Blue Sky during the Oaksterdam Raid in April. He is facing eight years in federal prison based on hearsay. Awareness is being raised for any recorded media from the day and also to pay legal fees.

DAISY BRAM – Green Aid’s newest case, Daisy and husband Jayme will be in attendance as well. They are battling child removal charges in Butte County, a region that has made a lucrative profit out of marijuana law manipulation and child removal. Read More…

REVEREND EDDY LEPP – Eddy has served 4 of his 10 year prison sentence in Lompoc Federal Prison for legal cultivation of marijuana. Money is being raised to put on his books, help support visitors to the prison and raise awareness of his situation. Read More…

Filed under Fundraisers
Jun 22, 2012

Green Aid
484 Lake Park Ave #172
Oakland, CA 94610
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